
Do You Need Room?


Pain Au Chocolat Bread Pudding
with Gingered Marmalade Cream

Curried Chicken Salad Sandwich
Golden Raisins, Toasted Almonds, Coconut and Mango Chutney on Fleur de Lis Ciabatta

Four Bean Soup
with Carrots, Zucchini, Yellow Squash & Tomatoes

Freshly Churned:
Chocolate Covered Banana Ice Cream
Maple & Bacon Ice Cream


  1. Anonymous21.10.07

    hey thats my kitchen counter, and my caraf, and funnel.

  2. mmmmmmm....the donuts on the right are looking de-lish.....

  3. I know I work for you guys and all, but the Pain au Chocolat bread pudding was unbelievably decadent. I hope it makes another appearance at some point, because it has now all disappeared into my delighted stomach. Saturday was a good day to be hungry at the cafe, but thanks to the South of the Border sandwich and the aforementioned bread pudding, I came home quite contented.

    P.S. Did some pour-over style Rwanda Kinunu. It was perfect. Talk about lo-fi coffee brewing with amazing results...
