
Friendly Reminder

Today a customer helped remind me why we came to the decision some time ago that Ali would take care of running the kitchen while the majority of my efforts would be spent pouring coffee and running the front of the house.

Upon leaving the cafe after purchasing a coffee, a friendly customer inquired about Ali's special soup of the day, Sweet Potato Bisque (served w/ cheddar cheese and fried onion garnish).

"What is a bisque?" he asked me.

Momentarily confused as a result of the many popular seafood based bisque recipes I have run into throughout the course of my life, I replied with half confidence: "I believe the word 'bisque' refers to a soup that has a smooth creamy texture as a result of the fact that it is pureed."

With about as little confidence in my answer as I myself had the man offered a polite "thank you" and went on his merry way. I turned back to the espresso machine, eager to work with a medium I can confidently answer questions about.

The day finally over, I am humbled by the experience and have completed my homework. If you would like to learn more about bisque click here. If you are eager to taste Ali's aforementioned bisque come here.

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