
FOODday, our 300th post.

So humbled to have our breakfast sandwiches mentioned among the likes of our friends Pine State Biscuits and Flavourspot in the Oregonian's FOODday. The article, "Building the perfect breakfast sandwich," also includes a recipe for our 'Alleycat' sandwich.

So cool to be written up amongst our friends; the guys at Pine State were two booths away from us when we debuted at the Portland Farmer's Market. Aside from being amazing culinary artists, those three are about the nicest neighbors anyone could hope for. Madeline, aka Moo, aka Ali's mom, to this day insists she coined the term "Biscuit Boys." Congratulations Kevin, Walt, and Brian. Is Levi on the payroll yet?

And David from Flavourspot, aside from the fact that he is single-handedly responsible for helping us find the location for LRBC, he helped feed us at least four to five times a week while we were unemployed, on a budget, and trying to create what is now the 'cafe.' We also relished in the hours spent shootin' the shit with him at his cart. Congratulations on the N. Mississippi location David, we miss seeing you in the 'hood.

To Dylan and Logan, here's a shout out to you guys for crafting the art featured on the article's coverphoto. Way to make Boss and Boss Lady proud. You just earned those tweeters and the sub to go alongside those kitchen speakers.


  1. Not that this is a culmination, as I am sure there are many more great things to come from LRBC, but this article seems to cement just that much more the fact that yours is a true labor of love and you have crafted something worth coming in for and even making at home. Congratulations! I can't believe you're already at 300 blog posts, and for some reason I feel as though I could be reading the first, as you have not really tapered out in your ability to entertain our curiosities regarding your latest happenings. As Will Ferrell's character in Old School says: "Keep on truckin'!"

  2. I absolutely love the Alleycat. I made it from the FoodDay article and cannot get enough. More importantly, I intend to visit Little Red Bike with my friends to check out the outrageous goodness that spawned the Alleycat - meow!!!
