
So Much to Say

I apologize in advance, there will be no witty captions for the following photos. We are putting all concentrated efforts on preparing for the Cafe's weekend service. We would however like to take a moment to get you caught up on some of the recent happenings...

First, though it has taken us a long time, we finally have LRBC jam available for sale at the cafe. This is the first time we have had "homemade" jam available for sale since Tim and Lindsey were last with us nearly a year ago. Currently we are selling 'Oregon Blueberry,' but keep your eye out for a few new flavors scheduled to arrive late next week.

Second, I am hellbent on perfecting a pie dough recipe I recently came across in a popular food magazine. Which means that the Sour Cream Apple Pie you see pictured below is on tomorrow's menu. Don't worry, we have already confirmed that the recipe for the filling is indeed a keeper.

Third, Courier Coffee Roasters dropped off a new coffee from El Salvador early this morning: Finca Fatima, 100% Bourbon Varietal. As far as I know it is the first delivery of bulk coffee Joel has received that was shipped in vacuum sealed bags. Joel indicated that the freshness of the coffee may have actually made it more difficult to roast given that the green beans have not aged at all during shipping. I will say that the initial roast is very light, and extremely tasty, which indicates to me that this coffee has a lot of potential.

Last but certainly not least, we were more the honored yesterday to see that one of our beer floats was featured on the delightfully cheeky blog, Endless Simmer. Pretty humbling to see our own creation up there amongst some ingenious recipes ("What would you do for a Klondike Bar?"). I still think our Oatmeal Stout Shake (pictured below) ranked as my favorite beer-ice cream experiment we yet to embark upon. We like to consider it our ode to Doc, of Steinbeck's Cannery Row.

Thank you, Endless Simmer! (And just so you know--gansie in particular--we're huge fans of topping everything with an egg.) You have reinvigorated our passion for the limitless possibilities which stem from the combination of dairy and alcohol. Case in point our newest beer float, set to debut tomorrow:

The Pick Me Up
chocolate ice cream, double shot of CCR espresso, and Lagunitas Cappuccino Stout (Limited Release, October thru December)

Pictures and witty captions to follow...



    regarding the last photo.

  2. Thanks for the pie, Ali! Soooooooooooooo good!

  3. Anonymous8.12.08

    can we still buy granola by the pound?

  4. kendal,
    we just re-posted the Polaroid wall. "K2 Yahtzee" lives, as does "Peek-a-Boo Edith" (she's peeking out the front of kenneth's hoodie). So cute and we would love to get a 3rd installment at your convenience. XO

    I believe the act committed deserved at least pie. So glad you liked. See you soon. ;)

    Surely can. You can also call ahead to the cafe to pre-order some in advance. We're also working on other goodies for the holidays so please stay tuned. Thanks for the inquiry!
