
On the Menu...

Tiger Woods
blueberry-lemonade with earl grey tea and fresh thai basil

Wine Country (not pictured)
thinly sliced prosciutto, brie, gorgonzola, and dijon with basil-green grape relish on ciabatta

Here's what we're planning on doing with these bad boys:
1. Espresso: Ray (aka @elrayray) will be starting Saturday with a batch from the 10th. Espresso remains a 50/50 blend of Sulawesi Toraja and Ethiopia Sidamo lots. Recently Ray has been experimenting with lower extraction temperatures, a feat which has been greatly aided by Joel's ingenious efforts to make the machine even more temperature stable by using Teflon to decrease the surface area inside the Synesso's steam boiler. In our humble opinion(s) the last few weeks of CCR espresso have been the best of this particular espresso blend. In other words? CCR's been working magic (overtime). Way to go, guys!
2. In hopes that the sun will come out Sunday afternoon, Kenya Mchana will be cold-brewed for 12 hours overnight from Saturday to Sunday
3. We have been seriously digging the Brazil Perdizes de Minas Nossa Senhora de Fatima as our featured French Press coffee, served in bottomless cups (in house).

Also on the menu (for Monday?!?) is our forthcoming Coffee Cupping with Courier Coffee Roasters. More on this later. mark your calendars for Monday, 6/15 @ 2:00 PM at Little Red Bike Cafe. You've heard of that place before, right? Need directions? Here you go. We're looking forward to hosting you and CCR is looking forward to satiating you.

1 comment:

  1. why @ 2PM? i've got a day job here, people!
