
Sorry We Couldn't Make It

Dear Lincoln and Catlin,
While we had every intention of trying to make it, we spent the majority of our day yesterday cleaning out our business. Piece by piece, thumbtack by thumbtack.

For lack of a better phrase, moving sucks. And in this case, it's an emotional process.

In the morning we got boxes from the newly rented storage facility down the street, canned fig jam, baked off the last few batches of granola, made espresso for friends, and began wading through the rest of the cafe, one room at a time. In the afternoon we removed shelves, emptied refrigerators, poured whiskey, boxed plates, shed tears, and called it a day.

We ate veggie burritos at our favorite local taqueria for dinner and then climbed into bed, too tired to digest the day, and/or consider the one to follow.

As such, we BOTH managed to miss our 10 year high school reunions last night.


Here's hoping for better timing, and sunnier skies in 2020.

Evan '00 and Ali '00

1 comment:

  1. http://iLike.com/s/1YvtV

    you two are clearly the kind of people with a Story. many chapters and written by steinbeck. i have absolutely no fear that your best chapters are still unwritten. see you soon.
