
R.I.P. Yemen Matari, Bienvenidos Yemen Sanani

Last of the Yemen Mocca Matari
And It Really Was Good 'Till the Last Shot

The Yemen Mocca Matari is no more. I pulled my last shot of this coffee on Wednesday morning, with full knowledge that by the time I returned from running errands for the cafe, we would be out. Sad. I really enjoyed this coffee. I first tried it as a single origin espresso almost two months ago. I had never tasted coffee from Yemen and didn't really know what to expect, my only advice from Joel coming in the form of a warning, "Watch out for those rocks!" Was it love at first slurp? Yes, I guess one could say that. Whether I pulled it as a single origin or drank it as an espresso blend paired with Rwanda Kinunu, it was always interesting. At its best it was a complex full bodied coffee that had strong berry notes, underlined by subtle earthy/chocolate flavors. At its worst it was a little bright with an oil-in-water, large, bubbly crema that didn't like to hang around for long. More often than not it behaved like the former, and was a beautiful introduction into how fun a "single origin" espresso can be. As for those rocks...aside from the occasional unhappy sounds that our grinder made, they were never really a problem.

The Newest Arrivals

But cafes need coffee and there is no time for the coffee roaster or barista to mourn coffees of the past. What lies on the horizon? A new Yemen! Perhaps a chance to fall in love all over again. Yemen Sanani is the current espresso at the cafe, in addition to a new Sumatra Mandheling (organic) for your drinking pleasure.

Be sure to sleep in tomorrow. After all, as the "captivating" R. Kelly once said, "its the freakin weekend," go and have you some fun. And when you finally decide to get out of bed, mosey on down to the cafe where we'll do our best to help you get your day started on the right track.

1 comment:

Steve Parisi said...

Can't WAIT to try it!