On the Menu...
Posted by
Ali and Evan
2:29 PM
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Keeping My Cool
My new summer cocktail... perhaps...(I really can't be expected to commit this early in the game)
This is what fueled me last night to: eat a dinner consisting of fresh raspberries, strawberries, and a juicy nectarine, walk the dog, take a stroll with my friend, water my other friend's lawn, pick lettuce fresh from said friend's beautiful garden, and make a late night visit to the cafe in order to cold-brew coffee for tomorrow's "Bike-Thru" Service, only to return to the cafe again (even later late-night) to drop of a giant bag of sugar I had forgotten about earlier. Phew! Have I mentioned how happy I am about it being summer? Oh yeah, I guess I did here, here and here. Well, just to reiterate I think it totally rocks.
Ah yes, and before I forget, we are still operating the newly initiated pie and ice cream service (6pm-9pm, Fri.-Sun) via the "Bike-Thru."
Dulce de Leche
Nectarine-Strawberry-Raspberry Sorbet
Lemon Buttermilk Sherbet
Posted by
Ali and Evan
8:15 AM
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What To Expect...
Here's the good news for me:
Because the cafe has limited services I ___________ (fill the blank...)
I was able to finally wake up and eat a decent breakfast:
I was able to multi-task wedding and sun bathing priorities:
and I was able to eat a decent dinner:
I will finally be able to go to sleep relaxed, well-fed, and care-free (relatively).
Now here's the good news for you:
Even though the cafe has limited services you _____________ (fill in the blank)
This weekend from 8am-12pm you are still able to get:
To Eat:
- Honeyed Yogurt
- Assorted Pastries like: French Puffs, Blueberry Muffins, and Dangi Donuts
- "Special Sandwiches" while they last... Example: Tomorrow's Turkey features: Turkey, Brie, Rosemary Ailoi, Cherry Jam, Dijon, and Arugula
- French Press Coffee
- Housemade Mango Ice Tea
- Cold Brew Coffee
- Cold Brew Lattes
- Retro Soda Pop
Come and Get It.
Consider the cafe's little time out as an opportunity for us both to have our cake--er-- I mean pie and eat it too.
Posted by
Ali and Evan
12:32 AM
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Limited Services
Huh? Limited what?
You read correctly, LRBC is currently operating with limited services. Which means, you won't be able to get any of this:
But you will be able to get as much as you can drink of this:
Back to the limited services. Yes, its true, the cafe's services are currently limited, due to the fact that we are beginning a small remodel project. Our goal is to make our front of house more comfortable, as well as more efficient. We're not exactly sure how long this is going to take, as it all depends on how quickly the work gets done, which unfortunately is not up to us. During this time our bike-thru will remain open Tues-Fri from 7am-12pm, and Sat and Sun from 8am-12pm, selling French press coffee, cold brewed coffee, organic orange juice, ice tea, and a rotating menu of various edibles. And if all goes according to plan, we hope to begin selling our homemade ice cream alongside homemade pie during the weekend evenings. I'll repeat...
Keep checking the blog as we will do our best to keep you informed as to the progress of our build out, as well as information regarding any additional services we will offer.
Posted by
Ali and Evan
8:45 AM
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What's For Dinner...
This "What's For Dinner" is sort of more like "What's For Dessert." The problem is that for the last few days our "dinners" have been made up of the following: marcona almonds, string cheese, animal crackers, oatmeal raisin cookies, grapefruit juice and jerky.
After what was a very long day we decided to treat ourselves by getting a real meal. We quickly found ourselves rocking early-evening sunglasses and sporting flip-flops and shorts completely comfortably at our new favorite truck in the 'hood La Chiquita. Right then and there everything just sort of clicked. It was warm outside. We were inexplicably serene after what had been a somewhat hellish day. Suddenly I was pondering a new book to read, and the livelihood of homegrown tomato plants and reminiscing over plum and peach pie sealed with almond paste. Something felt different. Ahh, yes. There it is; Summer has arrived. And we had made our way to our "new spot."
We had heard good things from numerous friends about this local taco truck on Interstate and Killingsworth, "behind the 76 station" (particularly regarding their avocado sauce) and we are just now beginning to discover the beauty of this place. Go-There-Now. Well, you can't actually because they close at 6:00pm but it's worth your while to make the trip on the earlier side. And yes, their homemade salsa verde and avocado sauce are completely insane. This evening we gorged ourselves with two tacos and two burritos, and managed to do so before a click of the camera could catch a frame.
So to sum it all up we ate too fast to document dinner but tonight's dessert was well worth a glimpse. That is,
Organic Cottage Cheese, Oregon Strawberries and Oregon Blackberry Honey
Dear Summer,
Thank you for returning. With all of those cloudy days and misty mornings you almost had us all fooled. Why don't you stay awhile this time?
Ali and Evan
Posted by
Ali and Evan
7:30 PM
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Oh Strata Where Art Thou?
Yes, we are still making strata at the cafe. The truth is that we have had no choice but to resort to using the ciabatta usually set aside for strata, simply to keep up with the influx in egg sandwich orders the past couple of weeks.
Please remain calm, and know that we will adjust our daily bread order as soon as possible.
Posted by
Ali and Evan
9:29 PM
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The Aftermath...
Posted by
Ali and Evan
7:50 PM
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1st Annual Portland Sunday Parkways
Today's Line-Up From L to R:
We cooked down orange blossom honey until it's color just began to darken and the honey began to caramelize. We then added our mixture to a vanilla sweet cream base and voile! We had ice cream. Okay, so it was slightly more complicated than that but we've been reaping the rewards ever since. Now it's time to share...
Hood Strawberry-Sour Cream Ice Cream
Sweet from fresh local strawberries, tangy from organic sour cream , and definitively a classic Oregon treat
Salted Caramel with Candied Bacon Bits
We used a combination of sel gris and coarsely ground fleur de sel to salt this newest edition to the LRBC repertoire. Applewood smoked bacon slowly candied in raw sugar was added to the ice cream during the last minutes of churning
We first relied on coconut milk for our base and then added pink grapefruit zest in order to create a delicately refreshing coconut custard. Avocado was added later to enhance the richness and of course add that beautiful green shade. The end result is an ice cream that is satisfyingly unique and creamy and yet totally vegan.
Chocolate Pudding
This ice cream fancies itself as an LRBC staple. There really is nothing quite like it. The pudding descriptor originates from the fact that this ice cream is so rich and thick the only way to describe it is like frozen chocolate pudding. If only it wouldn't met in your lunch box....
Peanut-Butter-Banana ice cream swirled with caramelized bananas and bits of buttered toast. No joke here People, you read it right.
Dulce de Leche
If you've never tried this ice cream before or the "milk candy" (quite literally) by itself, this milk caramel ice cream is a good start. In fact, we think it's a sure bet to win you over
Fresh Cherry Sorbet
The taste of a fresh and perfectly ripe cherry captured in a beautifully hued sorbet. And the best part? No pit!!!
Whew! We haven't made this much ice cream since our grand opening so you know this has got to be one special event!!! We're putting the "Thank" back in "Unthank"* this Sunday and we'd love for you to join us. Grab your bike, grab or kids (or both) and come check out this internationally celebrated event. We think it's so cool that the city is helping put this on and we're just happy to be a part (albeit it small) of it. Think about it: No cars! No buses! Just a six mile loop around North Portland's (whoop! whoop!) coolest parks where you can feel free to roam free without the fear of city traffic. Oh yeah, the extra bonus: music, games, food, friends and other goodies await you.
Unthank Park
510 North Shaver
Portland, OR 97217
*Please keep in mind that the park's name comes from Dr. Denorval Unthank, a local civil-rights advocate and a highly respected community member who at one-time was Portland’s only black medical practitioner; and therefore nothing "ungracious" should be deemed about it. I was merely trying to be clever.
Posted by
Ali and Evan
5:23 AM
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For Your Eating Pleasure
From their website:
What the heck do we have to do with this?
In celebration of this amazing event we will be slinging our homemade ice cream and ice cream sandwiches, and passing around fresh squeezed lemonade at Mississippi Neighborhood's Unthank Park (510 North Shaver. Portland, OR 97217) from 8am until 2pm PST. We will be here along with several other local vendors such as Blue Sky Wellness Studio, Northwest Hot Dogs, and Hannah Bea's Poundcake. Come join us for jump roping, pick up kickball and basketball games, The Beaterville Band, and much, much more.
In anticipation of the fun we've been testing out some new ice cream flavors such as...
Salted Caramel with Candied Bacon Bits
Peanut Butter-Banana Sandwich
Burnt Orange Honey Blossom
Will any or all of these flavors make in appearance this Sunday? Well, that just depends on how long they last...
Posted by
Ali and Evan
8:08 PM
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Wedding Vendor #3
I can't say enough good things about Keegan and Katy, the masterminds behind Portland's own KeeganMegan Press and Bindery. Keegan and Katy do everything from designing and pressing out business cards for super rad people, valentines for lucky strangers, and screen printing for awesome mutual friends, or as they like to put it, "one-of-a-kind collaboration for all occasions." They're certified whiz kids, (okay, so they're not kids but the title does have a nice ring to it) and we feel so fortunate that we convinced them to be crazy enough to take a stab at wedding suites.
We were fortunate enough to meet Keegan through our beloved mutual friend, Alice. Through Keegan we met Katy, the other half of this crafty duo and we were soon head over heels. I think one of the reasons why we fell in love with them so promptly was the recognition of the teamwork and effort they put forth in creating and executing their business. It all felt very familiar if you know what I mean.

(That's right, a perforated post card, People. Damn! I said they were good)
(Lovingly adorned with a hand-tied ribbon courtesy of my mama, I love you and thank you)
Posted by
Ali and Evan
7:36 AM
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On the Menu...
In celebration of this like totally awesome weather, the LRBC proudly presents...
Be A Sinner...
Add Bacon...1
Add Veggie Bacon...1
Yeah, you read it right. And yeah, it's damn tasty.
Posted by
Ali and Evan
9:42 PM
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Another Creation Brought To You By...
Dekin and Veth.
There have been a few whispers that Dekin and Veth are thinking about starting their own food cart, perhaps even in North Portland (SCORE). What do you think, Portland? Is there enough room in this city for these Laotian delights? I can tell you who would be first in line...
Posted by
Ali and Evan
1:51 PM
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Up Close and Personal
While the continual cloudiness doesn't help to enhance the quality of our photos, I am still excited about the potential of this newest project: a coffee photo journal. Inspired by a snapshot I saw on Sweet Maria's Flickr page, I whipped out the old macro lens and snapped a few pictures of one of Joel's newest coffees. The above coffee is from the Gethumbwini coffee farm, which I believe is located somewhere in the Thika District of south-central Kenya. While this isn't the first Gethumbwini peaberry that CCR has offered, it certainly is one to be remembered, and an exciting intro to the 2008 North African coffee harvest. This coffee is just downright delicious, and it really doesn't seem to matter if it is one day out of roast, or five.
Also, we are still French pressing all of our drip coffee. Perhaps our coffee machine's breakdown really was a blessing in disguise after all. Come on down to the shop, drink a cup, and see for yourself what all this hype is about.
Posted by
Ali and Evan
7:45 PM
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Time to Get With the Program
A sure sign that we need to focus some of our energy on cleaning up outside our house:
I was in our kitchen and happened to be looking out the window, when I thought was a squirrel caught my attention. Upon second glance I noticed that the squirrel was actually not a squirrel at all, but was in fact an orange baby kitten. Before I had a chance to comprehend what I was looking at two more kittens scuttled into view. I called out to Ali who was in the other room, and we both went outside to investigate. We found three kittens hiding under a large piece of cardboard next to our house. I tried to wrangle them all, only to lose two in the process. We put the kitten I was able to catch in a recycling bin with some beach towels, and continued searching for the others. I found one kitten stuck halfway up the side of my neighbors house, with nowhere left to climb. I peeled it from the side of the house, only to lose hold of it on my way back toward the recycling bin. The third kitten was discovered under a bag of yard debris, after hearing faint meows emanating from the pile of dried grass clippings. Upon placing the kitten in the yard debris bin where its less skittish litter mate patiently waited, kitten number three bolted straight away and disappeared into some tall weeds.
Feeling defeated, and hoping that mama cat would return if we left the scene, Ali and I decided to stick to what we know best, and headed out for dinner at Encanto. Two hours later, feeling delightfully satiated and curious as the the whereabouts of our new feline friends we returned home to an empty recycling bins. Though we were glad to know that our duties as cat wranglers might be over for the evening, we were both concerned about the fates of the kittens. Then, without warning, out from the weeds jumped mama cat. As she leaped over our fence and into the neighbors yard we breathed a collective sigh of relief. It was comforting just to know that she was still out there looking after her young.
If tonight's events proved anything it is that we are not fit to raise kittens. We can barely take care of ourselves. And though unmaintained landscaping surrounding our house IN NO WAY REFLECTS THE CLEANLINESS OF OUR CAFE'S KITCHEN (if only our house was so clean), perhaps it is time we pay a little more attention to getting our home in order. Perhaps we were lucky to only find kittens. If we let a few more months slip by some of you might take up residence out there.
Posted by
Ali and Evan
9:20 PM
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Unpacking Baggage
There was a time, years ago that I used to get this feeling a lot. In fact, there was awhile there that Evan and I were plagued by this emotion for the majority of our relationship. Many people do not know this but Evan and I spent four very hard years enduring a long distance relationship. Our map went something like this: Texas--Vermont, Portland--Vermont, Honduras--Portland, Los Angeles--Portland. We used to dream of the day that we actually could say that we had spent more time physically in the same place in a relationship than apart.
I can recall one particular moment when we had to say goodbye to one another in the Boston Airport. We met in Boston during our collegiate "Thanksgiving Break" figuring it was a good meeting place for a person coming in from Texas and a person coming in from Vermont. We spent the four days in pure bliss, ordering Turkey Sandwiches on Thanksgiving from hotel room service, bundling up in layers and taking walks in the neighboring park, going to see movies in the mall and hunting down our favorite drink at the time (Starbuck's Orange Mocha Chip Frappuccinos---HEY, everybody has some skeletons in their closet). For the most part we were a regular couple luxuriating in the ability to do regular couple things. The very fact that we could hold each others' hand was a blessing. But then our four days were up and we had to say goodbye. It was time to return to our respective colleges and wait for the next month and a half to pass until we could see each other again.
I was nineteen and he was twenty. He used to wear glasses back then. It is amazing how much it can hurt to be away from your partner. And to have to do so repeatedly was pure torture. I was so emotional I clutched on to his sweater and sobbed. Looking back I'm sure we looked fairly dramatic and perhaps a bit ridiculous. I didn't even blink when I noticed the large pool of snot on collecting in the weaves and divots of the cable-knit he was wearing. He was literally kissing my tears trying to calm me down but I noticed behind his frames that his own eyes were beginning to well. This was a very public display of sadness. We felt very absorbed in a seemingly isolated world. Surely no one could possibly imagine that kind of pain, that kind of desperation we were feeling at that moment.
And then I noticed them. A middle-aged couple sitting near us in the terminal who happened to be facing the same plight. She was as hysterical as I was, clinging to her beloved. Shaking her head, surely assessing the sadness she felt being forced to say goodbye. He was trying to brush the hair out of her face and hold her with confidence. I turned to Evan at the moment and said, "Promise when we are they're age, when we are out of school, and able to be in the same city, and live under the same roof that we won't have to do this anymore." And he promised.
That was 7 years ago... and once again I've found my way back to my other half. The pair of shoes have reunited.
Posted by
Ali and Evan
12:15 PM
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Recapping in a NY Minute
Highlights include but are not limited to:
- The best damn lentil salad I've had in years--scratch that--in my life
- The Eggs Florentine from brunch at Pastis
- Meeting Matilda, my niece
- Fantastically timeless design
- Seeing my name in print
- Getting to be just one of the girls
- Custard, Danny Meyer Style
- Reintroducing myself to old friends over a delicious cup of coffee
- Making it clear once again that girls really do just wanna have fun
Posted by
Ali and Evan
8:50 PM
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The Day the Synesso Saved My Life
What does the LRBC do when its coffee brewer breaks at 8:15 am on a Sunday morning?
Make a lot of americanos.
This was the only game plan we had until 'round 10am, when my folks dropped off an electric percolator that was purchased by my grandparents sometime during the 1950's. That's when our new coffee brewer, the AliceHacker1000, kicked into high gear, pumping out freshly brewed French Press coffee 52oz and 34oz at a time. While this new "setup" was far from ideal, it got us through the day. The percolator didn't start an electrical fire, and was able to produce enough hot water to make French press, and Alice maintained a Zen-like calm while working at a feverish pace to keep the cafe's airpots full of coffee.
Thanks to my grandparents for buying that coffee brewer more than a half century ago, thanks to my folks for dropping it off during a time of crisis, and thanks to Alice for once again coming through in the clutch when it was needed most.
Posted by
Ali and Evan
8:52 PM
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