
The Haps:

(AKA "What the hell just happened to the last month/what's new with us:")

1. We've been meeting with a lot of broker(s)/contractor(s)/architect(s)/property managers/property owners lately in our ever-lasting search for a new home for our business. Our minds are spinning and overflowing with the endless possibilities as we strategically plan our next move.

2. We may or may not have perfected the Huevos recipe (TBD).

3. LaLa Simone Rockefeller Weinstein, our beloved Frenchie, turned one today.

4. After an amazing ten year run, our muses at the Half & Half have decided to close their doors in order to continue life's journey. Their deviled eggs, espresso, humor and authenticity will be sorely missed not just by us, but by the entire city. Thank you H&H. For Everything.

5. Locally grown produce has been the star at the farmers' markets.

6. Once again, Forest Park has proven to be our family's sanctuary.

7. Inspired by these guys, we're founding a Portland Inter-Coffee House-Bowling League (please let either party know if you're interested). Though green, the LRBC team is ready and raring to go!


What's new with you?


Deanne said...

Well, we're selling our house... basically so we can follow your french puffs and transcendent sandwichness around Portland. (See how devoted we are?) ;) Much love, guys!!!

Laura said...

Even in a dim black/white photo with back turned, I do believe that is my son aiming for a strike...with a pick in his fro. Funnee

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, I hope one day I can come and taste some of your DELICIOUS looking food!!! Those huevos look YUMMYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Lots of Love from London! x-anna.
PS: what'S the bike connection?