
Good News North Portland...

sesame flower blossom cookies

Veth's deviled eggs

Laotian egg salad

guava jelly roll

guava jelly roll, sliced

All of the delights you see pictured above may soon be available for retail purchase! Dekin, the sole non-familial human being who has been with us at the cafe since day one, along with his über talented wife Veth, will soon be sharing their amazing culinary skills with the general public at a Farmer's Market near you! Keep your fingers crossed folks. We've been fortunate enough to sample their many creations during the past year and a half, and after doing so I think it is safe to say that they will be making a lot of new friends.

We will be sure to keep y'all abreast of any developments. Until then, stop by the cafe to try Dekin's "Dangi Donuts" and "Sesame Flower Blossom Cookies."

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